Thursday, April 28, 2011


I am 24 weeks, 4 days pregnant with my husband & my second child. This is our first daughter so everything has been super exciting for me since the confirmation of what I already knew, that she really is a SHE.

I have been going nuts making tutus, shopping, making hair clips, planning out her room and everything else. I have found myself becoming super crafty since finding out that I am pregnant. I was a full time student when I became pregnant and I thought that this pregnancy would go just as smooth as my son's but I was WRONG! I have been sick since day one. I have lost 20ish pounds and still to this day I haven't been able to gain anything.

Anyway, long story short, I had to take a leave from school and during my leave the school got new administration, "lost" my paperwork approving my leave and kicked me out. I knew that there was a reason I always hated that school. SOOO now that I am a full-time SAHM, I have realized how boring it is to sit and watch tv day in and day out. Now I have all of this energy and I can't do anything with it! So I occupy my hands and my mind and plan out all of these "Honey-Do" lists.

13ish weeks before we are expecting her to make her big debut and we still have to clean out our loft (which has been used for storage for years) and move our son's room upstairs. Just to get the upstairs ready for him involves getting rid of 6 years of accumulation, scraping that (ugly) popcorn stuff off the ceiling (it is so old it's falling off!), painting the ceiling and walls and vacuuming. I think that is it for my "Honey-Do/Upstairs" list...of course my husband wants to build a wall so we can close off the loft and make it a little more private for our son...Personally I don't think a (almost) 4 y/o needs any privacy but I do want to keep his messy room just that, HIS. I don't like seeing the mess when I can't do jack about it!

After we get him moved upstairs, that is when the REAL work begins. We have to rent one of those super steamy deep cleaning shampooing vacuum things from a hardware store, CLEAN ALL of the carpet downstairs since we have animals and a son that have urinated and (for lack of a better word) pooped on the carpets while potty training (and relapsing).  Once her floor is clean, I am locking the animals and our son out of her room. We then have to start patching the walls and door in her room because our son is a little devil at times and has put his head through the door and the walls during temper tantrums...that boy's head is too thick! lol. Luckily since Mommy and Daddy have stopped fighting and we have come closer as a couple and realizing what we want for our family, the violent temper tantrums have stopped.

Yeah, anyways off of that...

Umm, let's see, we have to patch the walls, primer and paint them, re-paint her furniture...I started painting her furniture but our son's "boo boo" prevented this project from being finished...I had actually completely finished painting her night stand and less than 24 hours later, ^ that is what happened...I was seeing a whole new shade of red that day! I was so angry that I put myself in time out! I told daddy that from now on, the men could do the painting...under my direction. Our son wants to paint, so he will paint! lol
^This picture makes me smile because this is what the men are going to be doing to her dresser and nightstand! They will paint the bases white and I will mix pink paints and the top drawers will be a "Ballerina Slipper" pink and then the bottom drawers will be this beautiful bright flamingoish pink.  Hehe, my son's "boo boo" has actually turned into a wonderful thing for me! Now I get what I want and my husband and son are going to be the ones painting!

After her dresser and nightstand are finished, we have to build her crib/changer. God I cannot wait to get her room really started! I have to make her curtains, finish her rag rug, figure out which mural I am going to paint on her wall...either that or I might ask my MIL to come over and do that...she might like that. There are so many things that I have to do, so many ideas that I have still! OH! Her mobile! I still have to make that! (our son broke 3 mobiles so I think making one and hanging it from the ceiling will be a better choice this time lol) I have some tulle pom-poms made for her already, I think I am going to take a Styrofoam wreath and attach all different colors of fabric flowers and ribbons just to give her some visual stimulation.

I am so excited can you tell?!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

DIY Coffee Filter Lampshade

I am 23 weeks pregnant and I have been stuck in bed the whole time, not per doctor's orders since my doctor is a moron, but because I don't like having contractions this early. Anyway, I digress...

Since I do nothing all day besides sit in bed, watch Netflix and surf the internet, I have become super ridiculously obsessed with all things crafty and DIY.

My latest project as of last night was a DIY Coffee Filter Lampshade which I found on  is the link. I don't want to take credit for the idea.

I fell in love with her lamp the millisecond that I saw it and I knew it had to be in my daughter's nursery! So 5 minutes later I had my nemesis, AKA my hot glue gun, plugged in and my pregnant butt in the kitchen digging through the top shelves of my cabinets for my coffee filters! I was saddened when I saw all of my Starbucks coffee that I force myself NOT to think about...but I digress from that too...

So I set to work on the lampshade, I think I might have taken roughly 3 hours altogether to finish it because I have an almost 4-year old running around who likes to mess up EVERYTHING! He had to help by making tacos and burritos out of my coffee filters...

Oh! I also had to have my husband go to the store and pick up 800 more coffee filters because my 150ish wasn't going to cover that lampshade! He just laughs at me anymore about my requests...either it's another craft project or it's some pregnancy craving that sends him trekking to wal*mart anymore.

After all is said and done, I started with this....

and ended with this...MUCH better lampshade perfect for my daughter's nursery...

Yeah my husband is a HUGE Dale Jr and Sr fan...and racing in general as you can tell from the racing slick on the wall...but I love him anyway!